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Last week was another strong week for BladenOnline. Our pages viewed average in the low to mid 80,000 range..with a range of 77,918 in mid July to 96,585 later in the same month. The past week, our total views were 81,378 with 15,712 visits and 6,811 users.

We are proud of our record and work daily to make it better…and we are proud to share out information. Compare, if you can with local or regional online news sources in a county the size of Bladen.

Our home page drew 39,505 views, sports 4,526, our Obit page 8,601 and Guestbook 2,955 views.

The breakdown of desktops, mobile and tabled..

Desktops 40,064

Mobile 20,785

Tablet 10,492

Our Most Read Stories:

2,049: There are more than one Stevie Tatum in Bladen County

1,556: Elizabethtown man charged in auto death

865: Airplane crash at Bladenboro airport sends two to hospital

848: Board announces principal for East Bladen

838: Sanitation inspections: Bladen County asks, BladenOnline answers

821: Bladen County Sheriff honors, welcomes and promotes staff

Every day of the week attracted over 10,000 views, except Sunday with 8,365. Wednesday and Thursday total views were over 13,000 each.

The other days were not far behind.

Big news produces the best numbers. BladenOnline strives to cover them all…We may miss a few….but not many.

Our readers check us out all times of the day and night…however, 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. is the favorite of many.

Our stats are compiled by Google Analytics.

Thank you for your continued support and a couple of reminders. You can add your business to our advertising line-up. Call Charlotte Smith at 910-876-5393 and The Best Is Yet To Come.

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