Bladen County
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By: Robert Hester
Bladen County’s total value dropped $9 million in the just completed re-evaluation, according to Chris Ellis, Tax Administrator. The total value of real property dropped from 2 billion, 18 million to 2 billion, 9 million, down about $9 million.  That number could change as the process continues.
Ellis promised to return with more details in coming meetings.
Information that he is expected to provide includes areas of the county that saw increases in values and those where property values decreased.
Ellis also reported that over $3 million of the current year taxes still unpaid.  The breakdown includes $2.457,762 due on regular taxes, when fire taxes are added the number is $2,619,000 and when all taxes and fees are included the number grows to $3,232,733.  The Board approved his request to set March 20 as the day to advertise all unpaid taxes in the newspaper.
The Tax Administrator explained that he set January 31 as the deadline for mailing out reval notices.  He said his office actually sent them to a contractor on that day but unforeseen problems caused the bills to be delayed until February 13 and they were received by most taxpayers on February 14.
NC General Statutes mandate reevaluation at least every 8 years.
In other action, Chairman Charles Ray Peterson passed out a preliminary sketch of the recently approved Sheriff’s office and Communications Center as a part of the new jail.
Commissioners agreed to invite Judge Sasser and E911 employees to the next meeting to receive their input related to the new jail and law enforcement center..
Commissioners approved a request from Greg Martin, County Manager, to waive one portion of their residency requirement for a Library Director.  The position has been vacant for several months while an effort to hire has been ongoing.  The state sets the educational requirements for the position and after an exhaustive search, it has been determined there are no eligible candidates in the county and non outside the county that have an interest in moving to the area.  The Board approved the request and they hope to name a new librarian soon.
Bryon Scott of the Thompson, Price, Scott and Adams CPA firm presented the 2013-2014 audit.  (more later) and Bladen County Finance Officer Lisa Coleman updated the board on the county finances for the current fiscal year.
Cris Harrelson, Bladen County Health and Human Services Director ask the board to approve a free membership application with Premier, a Group Purchasing Organization.  His request was granted.  He also proposed extending membership terms for members of the current Advisory Committee and staggering the terms.  His request was approved and he was given permission to reclassify a position to assist in the Foster Care Unit.
The board approved a request from David Howell, Chief of Emergency Medical Services for an increase for EMS services.  The recommendation came from a consultant for the agency.
The board approved a request from Robert Mazur, Director of General Services to apply for a $31,000 recycling grant.  The request was granted.
Commissioners tabled a Board of Education request to apply for $46,000 of lottery money to repair a roof on an Ag and ROTC building.  There was no discussion.
Commissioners entered into closed session to discuss personnel at the end of the regular meeting.

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