Spread the love

by Blake Proctor

In the first member-wide meeting since last November 10th, Boost the Boro’s full membership met Tuesday, April 13th, at the Historical Building again in order to once more provide for social distancing.

President Terry Nance called the meeting to order at 7 pm, and after his invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance led by Treasurer Don White, he asked Mr. White to provide the Finance Report for the first quarter of 2021.

Mr. White informed the membership that BtB began the year with a balance of $76,693.33. Income this quarter has been $2,305.00, while expenses have amounted to $8,106.85. The ending balance on March 31st was $70,891.48.

Mr. White then presented his proposed spending allocations for all of 2021. Including such projects as Beast Fest, the Downtown Community Project, and other operations and community projects, his budget projects an ending balance of $20,005, not including the $3,500 saved from the cancelled Spring Fling Event.

A motion was made and seconded to approve the finance report as well as the spending allocations as presented; the motion passed unanimously.

Continuing with housekeeping duties, Secretary Ashley Norris read the minutes from the February 9th Executive Committee meeting; they were then approved by the membership.

In this time of the Wuhan Flu, or Xi Jinpingfluenza, if you will, it was approved by unanimous vote that there would be no election of officers right now and that the current officers would continue until the next election.

Mr. White stated that he was often unavailable to prepare checks, etc. when they are needed and recommended that Joyce Walters, who is performing in the capacity anyway, be added to the Board as Deputy Treasurer for when Mr. White was unavailable.

The original motion to keep the current Board on was amended to provide for this addition to the Board, and that amended motion carried unanimously.

Treasurer White’s proposed budget allocations for the year included funding for Beast Fest. Erasing any further doubt about the matter, and with minimal discussion, it was moved, seconded, and enthusiastically approved that Boost the Boro will, indeed, put on Beast Fest in 2021!

A short discussion ensued among the members and with project manager Tom Lancaster concerning the status of the stage construction that is currently underway on the parking lot beside The Medicine Shoppe.

Lisa Levy, newest Bladenboro Commissioner – and even newer Boost the Boro member –introduced herself. She provided a quick bio, saying she is originally from the ‘Boro, had moved away, but is now home for good.

Joyce Walters notified those present that there is going to be a blood drive in the Historical Building on June 3rd between 1 pm and 6:30 pm. There will be more information provided shortly.

With no further business to come before the assembly, the meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm.

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