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In response to the protest:

Let me first say, that I welcome any protest on the election results, any candidate should feel free to exercise that option if so desired. I look forward to the outcome and feel confident that nothing will change. Having said that, the comments by my challenger Richard Sibbett, are disappointing at best, and reeks of an abuse of process.

A process which could be avoided if Sibbett, simply would do some due diligence first hand rather than rely on the integrity of a self admitted “people search app” to determine if a resident of Dublin lives within the 3 square miles of its town limits. For instance, being a life long resident of Dublin myself, I can tell you that Robert Dowless Sr. whom Sibbett says is not a resident of Dublin and resides in Cape Coral, Florida has lived in Dublin for the last 10 years of his life. Another example, listed by Sibbett as living in Bladenboro, Christopher McLaughlin has lived on 8th Street in Dublin for the last 5 years or better. Other names on Sibbett’s list such as Miranda Margarita owns the home she lives in in Dublin and Brittany Meshaw who Sibbett claims her house is vacant, (but is furnished, with power and Dublin water utilities) works out of town but maintains her residence in Dublin. I could continue debunking his “ illegal voter list ” that he carelessly provided but this just goes to show what an abuse of tax payer dollars looks like .

Sibbett’s defamation statements “ that I manipulated the Dublin elections” is unwarranted and I am currently discussing my options with multiple attorneys. I am still sorting out what role Commissioner Kirby has in this election but its not the voters and he clearly needs to resign.  Any commissioner who wishes to disenfranchise voters and not allow ANY and ALL citizens of a town to vote on any race or referendum does not have the peoples interest at heart. Kirby has spearheaded the effort to NOT allow early voters to have an opportunity to vote in this town, which to me is un-American, self-serving to his effort to defeat the Beer and Wine referendum, and is just wrong. A referendum on Beer and Wine which affects our tax base, needs to be voted on by ALL voters if possible. His efforts truncated early voting after seven days, even after a record 38 ballots had already been submitted by voters, he claimed the town did not want voters to vote early. This is not true, the truth be known that had the board known that a 2015 election vote to opt out carried over to a 2017 election we would have voted 2-1 to allow early voting with Kirby being the descending vote and that is a fact. If early voting had continued its normal course my estimate is that 75% of the town would have voted , instead we had a record 59% ( 115 out of 192). As citizens of this great country isn’t that what we want ? You decide ….

Jeff Smith

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