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Beasley: “I will not back down from any fight to protect our rights”

CHARLOTTE: Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate Cheri Beasley spoke out for reproductive freedom alongside abortion rights advocates, members of Women for Beasley, and North Carolina other voters as Mississippi’s dangerous, anti-choice law is before the Supreme Court.

“I was the Chief Justice of the State Supreme Court, and this is my expert opinion: access to safe and legal abortion is a constitutional right,” said Cheri Beasley. “These attacks on women’s rights aren’t going to stop until we elect leaders who are strong enough to stand up to them. I’m running to be that leader in the U.S. Senate, and I will not back down from any fight to protect our rights.”

Planned Parenthood Votes! South Atlantic Executive Director Alison Kiser, abortion rights advocates, members of Women for Beasley and North Carolina voters, Rev. Ray McKinnon, and storyteller Elizabeth Alston-Pinckney joined Cheri today at the event in Charlotte.

“In this crisis moment for reproductive freedom, it is critical that we elect leaders who will protect access to safe and legal abortion care. Cheri Beasley is a proven leader who has demonstrated time and again that she has what it takes to win this race and champion access to health care in the U.S. Senate,” said Alison Kiser. “Nearly 40,000 patients turn to Planned Parenthood South Atlantic for their health care needs in North Carolina every year. Cheri Beasley is the candidate those patients, and all North Carolinians, can count on to fight for reproductive freedom as our next U.S. Senator.”

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