
Congressman Pittenger offering opening remarks alongside Argentine officials.

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WASHINGTON – Prior to today’s vote on the American Health Care Act, Congressman Robert Pittenger (NC-09) introduced the Lumbee Recognition Act (H.R. 2352) to grant the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina full federal recognition.


Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) introduced similar legislation in the U.S. Senate.


Congress recognized the Lumbee Tribe in 1956, but unfairly prevented the tribe from receiving federal benefits.  As a result, the Lumbee Tribe is not eligible for vital economic development programs through the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and following Hurricane Matthew were unable to receive disaster relief in the manner normally available to other federally-recognized tribes.


“The Lumbee Tribe deserves the same recognition and benefits as other federally recognized tribes.  This is about fairness and providing equal opportunities to encourage economic growth.  Thank you to Senator Burr for working with me, on behalf of the Lumbees, to correct this century-old wrong.”


The Lumbee Recognition Act (H.R. 2352) will be sent to the House Committee on Natural Resources for consideration.


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