
Rep. Robert Pittenger

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Rep. Robert Pittenger

CROZET, VA – Earlier today, a train carrying Congressman Robert Pittenger (NC-09) and other Republican Members of the House and Senate crashed in Crozet, Virginia.  Congressman Pittenger has released this statement:

“This morning, I was standing in the dining car getting a soft drink when I felt a tremendous jolt.  As you know, the train I was riding on with my House Republican colleagues collided with a trash truck which apparently crossed the track trying to beat the train.

“We are fine.  There are a few bumps and bruises, but our issues are not consequential.  As I tell folks checking in with me, I am far more concerned about the person from the truck who I saw airlifted to the hospital, and with the family of the person who died.  We hope and pray the injured man makes it.  This is so sad for their families.”

Congressman Pittenger and his colleagues were traveling to West Virginia for an annual legislative and policy retreat.  To view Congressman Pittenger’s photos from the crash scene, please click here:  https://photos.app.goo.gl/ K4rpAZVrRIAni4z93.

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