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An Elizabethtown woman with roots in Columbus County who lost her home to fire Aug. 3 is getting some help from her high school roommates.

Diane Pratt Soles lost power in her home near the Elizabethtown Highway Patrol Station during Hurricane Isaias. Soles and her 14 year old poodle Molly Ann escaped with their lives, said her longtime friend Ann Soles Rockwell. Molly Ann almost didn’t make it – she had to be revived by firefighters.

Soles had placed a candle on the plate of a coffeemaker as a comfort to Molly Ann, Rockwell said.

“It wasn’t out in the open. It was in a holder,” Rockwell said. “Molly Ann gets lost in the dark.

“She lost everything. If you drive by her house, it looks fine. But inside it’s destroyed.”

Since then, Rockwell said, Soles has been living in the Whiteville Econolodge while making arrangements for a new, more permanent place to live. Her classmates and friends from the Whiteville High School class of 1974 are collecting donations.

“She needs clothes, linens, furniture, everything,” Rockwell said. “She isn’t choosy. Good used things are fine. She’s just starting over.”

The class has set up a GoFundMe page to assist Soles. For more information on how to donate, contact Rockwell on Facebook or email jeffweaver@CCnews2020.com. You can also message Columbus County News on Facebook.

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