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NCDP Hispanic American Caucus Denounced Immediately; Cooper, D. Jackson, G. Meyer, D. Blue Remain Silent

Raleigh, NC — This morning, following news that House District 64 Democrat candidate Cathy von Hassel-Davies is planning to exit the race, Republican National Hispanic Assembly Committeewoman Marlynn Burns released the following statement:

“We understand parties are sometimes handed candidates that do not match their values,” stated Burns.  “This seems to be the proper result.  The bitter and backward thoughts expressed by Ms. Hassel-Davies have no place in North Carolina politics and should be soundly and unequivocally denounced by the leaders of the North Carolina Democrat Party.  However, Governor Cooper, House Minority Leader Rep. Darren Jackson, Rep. Graig Meyer, and Senate Minority Leader Sen. Dan Blue have remained silent.  The media should be asking them, Erica McAdoo, and J.D. Wooten where they stand on Hassel-Davies’ post.

“Her comments are not only inaccurate but also degrading to the entire community of Mexican-Americans – including my daughter.  My family has been forever enriched by our daughter and we are proud of her and her heritage.  Individuals born in Mexico and of Mexican descent living in North Carolina serve in every employment and business sector, and they are an integral part of our law enforcement and first responder sector and proudly serve in the military in numbers greater than their percentage of the population.  North Carolinians, regardless of party affiliation, are waiting on the leaders of the N.C. Democrat Party to make their words about respect true or to let their silence speak agreement with the disrespectful and ignorant sentiments expressed by Ms. Hassel-Davies.”

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