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The Bladen County Board of Commissioners met Monday night and Chairman Charles Ray Peterson asked to have a change made to the county’s personnel policy section 4.1. Chairman Peterson told the board he would like to have the policy changed to eliminate the 12 month requirement before they can receive/earn time off.

Chairman Peterson there was a situation with an employee who began their career with county as a part-time employee and has been full-time for the county for about 7 months. He told the board this employee worked up to the day she was due to have her baby. He said she went home and had the baby that night and her fellow employees want to donate their time to her. The way the policy is currently, written, they are not allowed to do so.

Chairman Peterson said this change would only apply to full-time employees. The board scheduled the item for its next Meeting on April 17.

In other business, the board presented a Resolution proclaiming April Sexual Assault Awareness month to Marjorie Lewis with Families First Inc. and a second Presentation was made to Vickie Smith the with Department of Social Services proclaiming April as Child Abuse Awareness Month. The board also approved a request to use the front lawn of the courthouse for a Child Abuse Awareness event on April 29.

*The board voted to reappoint Chris Tatum, Barbara Knight and Arthur Bullock to the Southeastern Economic Development Commission Board of Directors.

*The board heard a calendar update from Bladen County Manager Greg Martin.

*Greg Martin said 57 applications have been received for the FEMA Hazard Mitigation program.

* Aubrey Schwable led the board in the Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning of the meeting. Chairman Charles Ray Peterson presented her with a Bladen County Seal pin.

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