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By BladenOnline Team

The celebrations continue this week, and the new year starts on Saturday. Nicole, Charlotte, and Danna have a couple of recipes to share that will make for a tasty good time.

The ladies wanted to pay tribute to Colombia because Danna is Colombian-American by making Natilla, a Colombian pudding. This luscious dessert is trendy!

Traditions have people making recipes with certain foods during the holidays. A staple for good fortune, black-eyed peas are used in the Cowboy Caviar recipe.

View the YouTube video linked below of the ladies making these delicious dishes.

Natilla, a Colombian pudding recipe:


  • 3 – cups of milk; whole milk works best
  • 1 – cup and 2 – tablespoons of cornstarch
  • 1 – cup coconut milk
  • ½ – cup grated coconut
  • 2 – cinnamon sticks
  • 1 – 14 oz can condensed milk
  • ½ – teaspoon vanilla extract
  • ⅓ – cup sugar or to taste
  • 1 – tablespoon butter
  • Just a pinch of salt
  • Top it off with Cinnamon powder and/or sugar to taste

Step one – pour milk into a small bowl and stir in the cornstarch until it is dissolved, then set it aside.

Step two – In a blender, add coconut milk and grated coconut, blend until smooth, and then set it aside.

Step three – Add the rest of the milk with the cinnamon sticks over medium-low heat in a medium pot and bring to a boil. When the mix is warm, add the coconut mixture from the blender.

Step four – Once the mixture is boiling, add in the condensed milk, sugar, and salt and stir them together constantly with a wooden spoon.

Step five – Reduce heat, add the vanilla extract, and continue stirring for about ten minutes until the Natilla thickens.

Step six – Add in the butter to the thick mix and stir, then remove from the heat. Make sure to remove the cinnamon sticks from the mix and spoon into a serving dish.

Step seven – Add cinnamon and/or sugar to the top, let cool to room temperature and then refrigerate until you’re ready to serve it.

Cowboy Caviar Recipe:

Vegetable Ingredients 

  • 2 – 15-ounce cans of cooked black-eyed peas
  • 1 – 15-ounce can of cooked black beans
  • 1 – 15-ounce can of cooked corn
  • 1 – chopped red bell pepper
  • 1 – cup of chopped cherry tomatoes
  • 3 – chopped green onions stems
  • 1 – medium chopped jalapeno
  • 1/2 – cup chopped cilantro
  • 2- teaspoons salt

Dressing recipe:

  • 2 – tablespoons lime juice
  • 4 – tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 2 – tablespoons sugar
  • 1/2 – teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/2 – teaspoon cumin
  • 1 – teaspoon oregano
  • 4 – tablespoons olive oil

Step one – In a large bowl, combine all Vegetable Ingredients.

Step two – Mix all Dressing recipe ingredients in a small bowl.

Step three – Add dressing over vegetable ingredients and stir together.

Step four – Leave caviar in a bowl in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.


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