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Daysha McKoy, Adriana Spencer and the County of Bladen were honored recently with Awards of Distinction during the Lumber River Council of Governments Workforce Development Board banquet.

The event was held March 1 at Robeson Community College and it recognizes people who have achieved excellence by attaining employment and training goals in addition to employers that have benefited from the resources and opportunities administered through the Lumber River Workforce Development Board throughout Bladen, Hoke, Richmond, Robeson and Scotland counties.

McKoy was recognized as Bladen County Adult of the Year. She aspires to have a career in the medical field, according to the banquet program. The journey for Daysha has not always been marked with pleasantries and ease. However, she was determined not to give up. In August 2021, Daysha received assistance through the NCWorks Career Center-Bladen County to assist with Phlebotomy training. In October 2021, Daysha successfully completed her training in Phlebotomy and is now a full time Phlebotomist with Southeastern Regional Medical Center. Her future goal is to become a Registered Nurse.

Spencer was recognized as Bladen County Youth of the Year. She has participated in several leadership development activities, such as virtual college tours, financial literacy workshops, and pre-employment training, the banquet program reads. During Spring Break 2022, she was afforded the opportunity to participate in staff development day, “Customer Service in the age of COVID”, with Bladen Community College Library staff. Adriana is active in her church and prior to COVID, regularly visited a local nursing home. In Spring 2022, she entered a work experience component with Learning Enhancement Center on the campus of Bladen Community College. She plans to pursue a career in the healthcare field.

County of Bladen was recognized as Employer of the Year. The banquet program says the government has proven to be a valued employer to the local community and economy. The County of Bladen utilizes the NC Works Career Center in Bladen County to assist with recruitment of all positions within their multi-departments. It is dedicated and committed to hiring the best qualified candidates by working with the WIOA Program and the NCWorks Career Center. The County of Bladen participates on the Bladen County Business Services Team, which focuses on providing excellent business services for employers within Bladen County. It partners with the WIOA Program through On-the-Job Training and Work Experience; resulting in full and part-time employment placements. The County of Bladen offers continuous job offerings that meets the needs of the dislocated worker, older worker, veterans, youth, former offenders and persons with disabilities.

William Wright, Hoke County Economic Developer, who received the Dr. Stanley Richardson Award for Workforce Development Board Member of the Year;

Patricia Hammonds, administrator for the Lumber River Council of Governments Workforce Development Board, provided an overview of the work of the board. In conjunction with the NCWorks Career Center the LRWDB has served over 700 employers resulting in 600 hiring opportunities; assisted over 340 community college students with unforeseen emergencies through the Finish Line Grant Program in partnership with Bladen, Richmond, Robeson and Sandhills Community Colleges; assisted over 500 adult and dislocated workers with alleviating employment and training barriers, and served over 150 youth with educational, work readiness and life skills.

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