Spread the love

By Hannah Davis

Dream Works wants to help the community during this tough time with a COVID-19 special for Business Partnerships. The special includes free services within the business development plan. The plan provides employee training and marketing, employee counseling, and marketing and design. Under the special, employee training, marketing, and counseling are now free!

With employee training and marketing, employees are trained to see the role of character in the workplace through a nationwide, 13-hour certificate-based program. “Without character, the foundation for skills crumble,” says Dream Works manager, Jason Williams. After training, Dream Works provides a database of employees to choose from. Alternatively, they can market a potential employee that has been laid off.

The employee counseling service provides a licensed mental health and addiction counselor. Williams says, “We want to help you care for the well being of your staff.” Employees can meet Meredith Debouse to work through mental challenges like stress and anxiety, as well as struggles with addiction. Dream Works offers counseling to “change the future of a good employee who has real struggles like us all.” Also, digital resource support and inspiration on small business practices are offered.

Dream Works marketing and design services are available as well. “Your business needs a voice and good marketing gives it that voice to thrive,” says Williams. They have a team of people available to help local businesses be seen and attract customers.

Dream Works wants businesses in the community to thrive and get the resources they need for their employees to be successful. COVID-19 has had many negative impacts, and they want to help out by providing free services in their business development plan. The following link has more details and a form for those who are interested in participating in the program https://www.dreamworksbladen.com/partnershipform.

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