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October is Dwarfism Awareness Month. We believe in the famous words of Dr. Seuss, “A person is a person no matter how small.” BladenOnline.com would like to assist in educating others about this awareness month and to announce, “Help a Child Medical Benefit” for Tar Heel resident, Jayden Henry Dew.

According to Tabitha Dew, Jayden’s mother, Jayden is eight years old and was diagnosed with Achondroplasia– the most common form of dwarfism. He was born October 11, 2007. Tabitha said, “It is neat because he shares his birth month with Dwarfism Awareness month!”

“Jayden was born early and very sick, at just 4 days of age the doctors told us he probably wouldn’t see the next day, but God choose to let his little angel stay here on earth with us!” Tabitha explained.

Dwarfism-AwarnessWith the special condition Jayden has had to have special medical attention throughout his life, however, his family has worked hard to make sure he lives life to the fullest. “He has always been just a super happy kid that’s loved by many! Over the years he was discharged from all his local specialists and just living his childhood.” Tabitha said.

According to Tabitha, Jayden has received great healthcare treatment locally, but back last October when no help was found locally they made contact with Johns Hopkins Skeletal Dysplasia Specialist– they are the closest medical team to their home in Tar Heel.

In October last year Jayden and his family made their first visit to Johns Hopkins. The conclusion was that Jayden had sleep apnea and needed CPAP to sleep.

At the beginning of summer Jayden had a fall and after the fall Jayden’s dad noticed some things were just not quite right according to his mom. When they went back to Johns Hopkins in July this year, Jayden had another MRI done.

The MRI showed he had spinal stenosis, therefore he needed to have spinal decompression surgery to prevent his nerves in his back from causing any further damage.

Jayden’s parents give glory to God for the assistance Jayden has received throughout his medical issues. Jayden had his surgery September the 16th at Johns Hopkins Hospital and was was able to come home on September 22nd according to his mom.

“It was the the toughest thing we have ever went through! He has a long road ahead of him but every day he is getting stronger and stronger. God is so good! He has kept Jayden in his hand the entire time and Jayden has had a smile on his face through it all,” Tabitha said.

Colly Chapel Church and friends of the family are having “Help a Child Medical Benefit” for Jayden’s medical expenses. The fundraiser will be a Bar-B-Que plate sale for $7 per plate on Friday, October 23rd, 2015, at Colly Chapel Church starting at 9 am with no end time planned. Folks can eat-in, carry out, or have the meals delivered. Donations to the family may be mailed to Tabitha Dew, P. O. Box 194, Tar Heel N.C. 28392.

Tabitha said, “The Community has been amazing to us! We are truly blessed to have amazing friends and family! But mostly we are blessed to have a community that knows prayer works! If you’re not able to give please just keep us in your prayers and look to God for all your answers because we serve a God who is able!”

For more information about Dwarfism, click here.

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