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Elizabethtown Council

By: Erin Smith

The Elizabethtown Town Council met at noon on Monday and heard from Bud and Martha Lotz regarding the sewer service billing.

Finance Director Jay Leatherman said that the town staff recently performed an audit of accounts that were paying for town water services but not being billed for sewer services.  The Lotz’s account was one that was found to have not been billed for sewer services, said Leatherman.

Leatherman said that Martha Lotz did acknowledge they are using the town’s sewer service. He said the town did not go back and charge for any past due amounts. The bill only charged the Lotz for last month’s sewer use, said Leatherman.

Public Works Director Pat DeVane said the house was added to the town’s sewer system when the town extended sewer service to that street.

Bud and Martha Lotz appeared before the council during the noon work session to discuss the matter. They explained that when they purchased their home, they were told there was an agreement reached between the prior owner, David Cross, and former Mayor Bill Keith stating that there would be no charge for sewer services. The couple acknowledged that there is no written agreement regarding the matter.

Bud Lotz explained that the reason the agreement came about was due to issues Cross had encountered with the town’s sewer service and having had the sewer to back up into the home. Lotz said it is his understanding that Keith and Cross discussed several options and the final agreement that came about called for the town to incur the maintenance expenses and there would be no sewer charge.

Lotz said that in the 1990s, they experienced sewer problems again and Dan Harbaugh came and looked at the situation. He told the board it was during this time period that the maintenance checks of the sewer pump ceased.

Lotz said they are asking to have the town honor the agreement that was established between Cross and Keith.

DeVane said he had spoken to Lotz twice and there had been no problems for at least eight years. He added that residential lift stations like the one at the Lotz’s residence are typically maintained by the property owner.

Councilman Paula Greene said, “In my mind, I think it was an affirmative decision….I think our policy is great for going forward…30 years of no sewer bills, I don’t think you just fail to pick that up.”

After further discussion, it was the consensus to have town staff research putting the agreement into writing with the understanding that the agreement will be nontransferable.

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