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The public will take notice that the Town Council of the Town of Elizabethtown has called a public
hearing at 7:00 p.m. on June 1, 2020 at the Town of Elizabethtown Municipal Building, 805 West Broad
Street, on the question of annexing the following described territory, requested by petition filed pursuant
to NCGS 160A-31:

Lot #1:
Being all of that certain tract or parcel of land containing 6.43 acres, more or less, designated as PART
OF LOT C, Lot1, on that plat of survey entitled, “A SURVEY FOR BLADEN’S BLOOMIN’ AGRI-
INDUSTRIAL, INC.” dated February 10, 2005, prepared by M. Shelton Bordeaux Surveying, said map
being recorded in Plat Cabinet B-46, Page 458, Bladen County Registry, and incorporated herein by
reference for greater certainty of description.

The property conveyed above is conveyed subject to certain restrictions as to the use thereof, running
with said lands by whomsoever owned, said restrictions, which are expressly assented to by the Grantee
in accepting this deed, the same being of record in Deed Book 569, at Page 881, Bladen County Registry,
and amended thereto in Book 629, at Page 384, Bladen County Registry.

Lot #2:
Being all that certain tract or parcel of land containing 7.348 acres, more or less, depicted as Tract 2 on
that certain map or plat captioned, “SUBDIVISION FOR BEN W. GREENE”, dated August 31, 2000,
prepared by Thomas J. Gooden, Professional Land Surveyor, which said plat is recorded in Plat Cabinet
A-181, at Page 1815, Bladen County Registry, and incorporated herein by reference for certainty of
description. For back title reference see Deed Book 294, Page 524, and Deed Book 456, Page 047,
Bladen County Registry.

LESS AND EXCEPT the following:
Being all that certain tract or parcel of land containing 0.84 acres, more or less, designated as Lot 2 on
that plat of survey entitled, ‘BLADEN’S BLOOMIN’ AGRI-INDUSTRIAL, INC.”, dated October 24,
2002, prepared by M. Shelton Bordeaux Surveying, said map being recorded in Plat Cabinet B-12, Page
119, Bladen County Registry, and incorporated herein by reference for a greater certainty of description.
For back title reference see Deed Book 505, Page 181, Bladen County Registry.

The June 1, 2020 Town Council meeting will be a Virtual Meeting; therefore, please check the Town’s
website (www.elizabethtownnc.org) on June 1, 2020 for joining the Zoom Meeting. Written comments
may be submitted at any time between the Notice of Public Hearing and 24 hours after the public hearing.
Written comments may be addressed to Town Clerk Juanita Hester either by email:

jhester@elizabethtownnc.org or by including the written comments in an envelope addressed to the Town
Clerk and leaving in the Town’s Drive-through Drop-Box at 805 W. Broad Street. Town Council will not
be able to take action on the matter immediately following the public hearing. Therefore, Town Council
will recess the meeting until June 3, 2020 at Noon.

Sylvia Campbell, Mayor

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