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Photos courtesy Gordon Kinlaw

By: Joy Warren

 The Elizabethtown Town Council met in regular session Monday evening.  Four public hearings were on the January agenda.  The first hearing  was to gain citizen comments for  a Zoning Text Amendment to remove the definition of Flea Markets from the Zoning Ordinances.  No public comments were made.  Council later approved the wording as presented.  A second hearing was also related to Zoning Text Amendment concerning Bed and Breakfast Homes in R-40.  There were no public comments and Council approved the changes as presented.

The third public hearing of the evening was in regards to the rezoning of 105 Cromartie Road from R-20 to R-40.  Chris Adams the owner of the property spoke briefly about his request for the changes.  He would like to open a Bed & Breakfast Home on the property.  The final public hearing was also regarding a Special Use permit to allow for the proposed Bed and Breakfast Home at the same location.  Council later approved the requests.  Adams shared with all a mock up of a brochure for The Elizabethtown Inn which will have 5 guest rooms available.  Mrs. Melrose Lomax spoke in favor of the proposed Inn stating that “It would be an asset for the town.  It is a lovely old historic home that should be shared.”
A Resolution of Intent for voluntary annexation was present to Council from Cape Fear Vineyard and Winery, LLC property that is located at the Elizabethtown Industrial Park.  Council approved the resolution as presented.

During the noon work session, a marketing and design proposal from Martin-McGill and Associates was presented.  Council tabled the matter.

Evans Computer Solutions presented a proposal to install Wi-Fi equipment at Cape Fear Framer’s Market.  Council approved the $2,000 proposal which will give citizens free wi-fi access in and around the farmer’s market.

In other administrative matters, Council approved tax releases; budget amendments; change order for Downtown Sewer Collection System Rehabilitation Project; approved agreements for Phase II of Streetscape Improvements and Curb and Gutter for Morehead Street at Leinwand Park; and approved a proposal for Paid-On-Call Fire Fighters program from the Fire Department
The FY 2016-17 Budget Calendar was approved and Council set  Tuesday, Feb. 23, as the date for the Annual Council Budget Retreat.

Council members were invited to participate in the Elizabethtown MLK Parade set for Monday, Jan. 18, at 9 a.m.

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