Spread the love

By Joy Warren

Following current social distancing restrictions, Elizabethtown Town Council held its May regular session via computer. All council members were present.

Town Manager Eddie Madden gave an overview of the current Town projects. The new Fire/Rescue Building received a temporary certificate of occupancy as of May 1. The building project is completed except for a few minor items to be completed on the punch list. The Greene’s Lake project has been divided into three sections. The first section should go out for bid in May. The Streetscape project is pending closure with USDA which should take place prior to June 30. The Airport Project should also officially close prior to June 30.

The FY 2020-21 proposed budget was provided to Council for its review. If the Governor’s Stay-At-Home Executive Order is lifted during the month of May, plans have been made to present the budget, conduct the public hearing and adoption consideration at the June 1 Town Council meeting. However, if the Town must continue with virtual meetings, there may be the possibility of having to adopt an operational budget until the required public hearing can be conducted. Additionally, Madden indicated that the staff will not know the effects the sales tax decreases due to businesses being closed until June or July.

Council approved a resolution directing the Town Clerk to investigate petitions received for annexation of properties in the Elizabethtown Industrial Park. A public hearing was also approved for June 1 for the annexation in the EIP unless the Council cannot meet in person and the public cannot attend. Council would then reschedule the meeting.

The Town received notification of funding from the NC Industrial Development Fund for the Water and Sewer Extension Project at the Elizabethtown Industrial Park. The grant funding is $248,960. Council approved a resolution authorizing the financing application for the project. The water and sewer installation costs for the service lines being constructed are for two new incubator buildings owned by Bladen’s Bloomin’.

On February 3, Council declared real property located at 403 Martin Luther King Drive as surplus property and authorized the sale through the sealed bid method. Staff received one bid from Fred Nowling in the amount of $16,123. Council approved the resolution accepting the offer from Nowling.

Mayor Sylvia Campbell requested the Council proclaim May 10-16 as National Police Week and May 15 designated as “Peace Officers Memorial Day” in honor of all fallen officers and their families. Council adopted the proclamation and thanked the Elizabethtown Police Department for providing such a vital public service.

In administrative matters, Council approved an Industrial Development Incentive Grant program agreement with Bladen’s Bloomin’; approved a service agreement with Anderson Engineering for the Water and Sewer Extension Project in the Industrial Park; approved construction low bid for the Water and Sewer Extension Project; approved additional fee for auditing services with Thompson, Price, Scott, Adams & Co. ($2,500); approved low bid for demolition at 420 Martin Luther King Drive; approved additional fee for J.T. Cox Architecture for Fire Station Project; appointed Rufus Lloyd as voting delegate for NCLM Virtual Business Conference; approved FEMA Grant Contract Amendment with the Elizabethtown Fire Department for a Health/Wellness Program; and approved as presented the Financial Report and Tax Releases for the month.

Several items of discussion by the Council included scheduling the ribbon cutting ceremony for the new fire station for Friday, June 26 at 3 p.m. Council agreed to discontinue the use of labor through the Prison Labor Program as requested by Town staff.

Madden indicated that the Town’s state of emergency followed the Governor’s recommendations. The Governor has indicated that the state will begin Phase 1 of the plan to reopen the state on May 8. The Council agreed to follow the state guidelines and timeframe for rescinding the state of emergency.

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