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A staff report

Elizabethtown, NC – The Town of Elizabethtown has officially posted the agenda materials for the upcoming Town Council meeting scheduled for May 6, 2024. Residents and interested parties can access all related documents by visiting the town’s official website at www.elizabethtownnc.org.

The regular meeting will commence at 7:00 PM and will be called to order by Mayor Sylvia Campbell. The meeting will cover a variety of topics, as outlined in the posted agenda, ensuring transparency and public engagement.

Agenda Highlights:
1. Opening and Call to Order: Mayor Sylvia Campbell will officially open the meeting.

2. Consent Agenda: The council will review and is expected to approve the items listed under the consent agenda. The revised documentation is available as “Peak Agenda – Revised Consent Agenda Documentation – 5.6.24.pdf”.

3. Presentations: General Fund and Water Fund Budget for FY 2024-2025: A crucial presentation where the council will review the proposed budgets.

Town Manager Update: Town Manager Dane Rideout will provide an update on various town activities and projects.

4. Other Business: Under “Briefly,” reminders and announcements will be addressed, and additional departmental updates may be presented, as detailed in the “Peak Agenda – Departmental Updates – May 2024.pdf”.

5. Open Forum: A segment dedicated to public input, where residents can express concerns or comments. Participants are required to sign in, as per the document “Sign-In Sheet – Open Forum – May 6, 2024, Regular Meeting.docx”.

6. Closed Session: A closed session will be conducted to discuss the Live Work Play Project in accordance with specific North Carolina General Statutes.

7. Adjournment: The meeting will conclude with a motion for adjournment by Mayor Campbell.

All documents related to the agenda items, including consent agenda documentation and updates from the town manager, are accessible online, ensuring that residents can stay informed about the proceedings and decisions made during the meeting.

The Town of Elizabethtown encourages residents to review the agenda materials and participate in the council meetings, either by attending in person or by providing feedback through the town’s website. This meeting is an important opportunity for community members to engage with local governance and express their views on matters affecting their community.

For more information and to view the agenda materials, please visit Elizabethtown’s official website at http://www.elizabethtownnc.org.

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