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By: Joy Warren 

Elizabethtown Council June 1

Elizabethtown Town Council met Monday evening with a long agenda, including four public hearings.  The first hearing was in regards to the FY 2015-16 General Fund and Water Fund Budget. No public comments were made and Council approved the budget with the exceptions of no increase in water/sewer rates, no parade fees and no property tax increase. A second public hearing concerned a zoning text amendment that would delete C-2 District and replace it with CBD-Central Business District.  A third hearing, another zoning text amendment, involved adding additional requirements to Itinerant Merchants and Sales/Roadside Vendors.  Both Zoning text amendments were approved.  In the final public hearing of the evening, staff presented the Bladen/Columbus Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan which was adopted as presented.

A resolution was approved to maintain and support the reauthorization of the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) Equitable Treatment of the State Assistance Program.  A resolution was not approved to eliminate One Stop and Mail Absentee Voting Options nor the elimination of One Polling Location for the 2015 Municipal Election.  Council approved Municipal Certifications for Speed Limits on Lower Street and Pine Street.  Speed Limits for the streets are now 20 mph.  Council also approved the demolition/clean-up of the property located at 500 Martin Street and accepted the proposal from Hugh Cook for $1,400.                        

Stevie Craig, Executive Director of the Housing Authority made a presentation to Council of options available to Housing Authorities regarding newly-passed Guidelines for Consolidation of Authorities.  HUD staff is requesting that all three boards consolidate into one board for the county.  A consolidated board would include 3 members per area.  Council tabled a vote on the consolidation plan as recommended by the three housing authorities (Elizabethtown, Bladenboro and Clarkton).

In administrative matters, Council approved an Engineering Agreement with W.K. Dickson for Phase II of the Utility Burial project; approved the Memorandum of Understanding with the NC Main Street program; approved the Memorandum of Understanding for Inmate Labor; approved Tax Releases, Budget amendments and the financial report as presented.  Elizabethtown Council Meeting June 1

Eddie Madden introduced Detective Kip Hester, who will serve as interim Chief of Police upon the retirement of Chief Kinlaw.  Chief Kinlaw will retire August 1st.   Hester will serve as Chief during the hiring process for a new Chief.

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