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WASHINGTON – This morning, Family Research Council Action presented Congressman Robert Pittenger (NC-09) with the organization’s “True Blue Award” in recognition of his 100 percent pro-family voting record as a Member of Congress.


“We thank Representative Pittenger for consistently voting to uphold faith, family, and freedom,” said FRC Action President Tony Perkins.  “Representative Pittenger voted to repeal key parts of Obamacare, protect unborn children and their mothers, end the forced partnership between taxpayers and Planned Parenthood, allow students to attend the school of their choice, and protect pro-life organizations and employers from being forced to hire individuals who disagree with pro-life principles.”

“Strong families are critical to our continued success as a nation,” said Congressman Pittenger.  “Sadly, there are many in today’s culture who seek to tear down families, which is why supporting families and the unalienable right to life will continue to be my mission in 2017.”

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