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The Bladen County Farm-City Week Banquet was held at the Powell-Melvin Agricultural Service Center in Elizabethtown on Friday, November 22, 2019.

Mrs. Becky Spearman, County Extension Director at Bladen County Cooperative Extension, welcomed everyone to the event. Ms. LaToya Lucy, County Administrative Assistant at the Bladen County Extension, recognized all of the events sponsors.

Ms. Shonita Hayes, Bladen County 4-H County Council President, led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance. Then, Rev. Jason Williams Senior Pastor at Foundation Church gave the invocation.

Mr. Keith Walters, Southeast District Extension Director and Mr. Morris White, Regional Extension Director-East made remarks about the meaning of Farm-City Week. Mrs. Brenda Brisson from Bladen County Farm Bureau introduced and welcomed the speaker, Mr. Shawn Harding, Public Policy Director with Farm Bureau.

The event came to a close with the last remarks from Mrs. Spearman. On the program she stated, “Agriculture has always been a cornerstone of our nation’s way of life. As wise stewards and innovative entrepreneurs, our dedicated farmers improve our well-being by working to ensure a healthy and abundant food and fiber supply. To succeed in this important enterprise, our farmers rely on essential partnerships with urban and suburban communities to supply, sell, and deliver finished products across the country and around the world. During Farm-City Week, we recognize the importance of this cooperative network to the success of the agricultural industry.”

She added, “This week, as we gather with family and friends around the Thanksgiving table, it is fitting that we count among our blessing the vital Farm-City partnerships that have done so much to improve the quality of our lives,”

On behalf of the Bladen County Cooperative Extension Staff, thank you and best wishes this holiday season to all our sponsors, volunteers and participants of Farm-City Week.

The event was sponsored by Bladen County Farm Bureau, Elizabethtown Kiwanis Club, Farm City Week Sponsors and North Carolina Cooperative Extension Bladen County Center

Farm-City Prayer
Oh Lord, Our Lord, Creator of all that’s good.
We come to you with many thoughts, as You have said we should.
We’ve planned a celebration, with the farmers who till the soil,
And also for the city Folks, who in their own jobs toil.
We’ve joined them all together, to learn each other’s ways.
That they might realize the challenges that we have today.
We’ve asked that the city dwellers to join us on the farm,
So they may learn the way of life of farming without harm.
We ask Your loving kindness on those who take part,
We want them to know what happens here and how we got our start.
We pray for You to open their eyes, that they might see new things.
And open their ears that they will hear, the sound that the earth brings.
We ask for You to guide the farmers in how to tell their story.
Instill in the hearts of city folks, that earthly part of Your glory.
Join us together in one accord, that we can accomplish much.
Speak to us in Your loving way, with Your blessed crowning touch.
Oh Lord, Our Lord, what a great day this will be.
A special day together, Farm and City folks are we.
(Prayer written by Thelma Grovatt, Tabernacle, NJ)

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