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Former principal at West Bladen High School, Todd Finn was named Lewiston’s new superintendent back in February of this year. Mr. Finn left West Bladen back in 2011 and has served as a principal for other schools prior to holding his new role as superintendent.

Mr. Finn recently left a message on our Guestbook page, announcing his new achievement and leaving a message of sincere gratitude for having served here in the mother county.

His post reads, “I wanted to take a moment to check in with you from my office in Lewiston, Maine. I am currently the superintendent of schools in the second-largest school district in the state, having learned and grown in three principal positions since I left WBHS in 2011. I want you to know that I draw upon those experiences, the good memories of being part of your community, and even the learning opportunities where I could have (and should have) led differently at times. I still display a Knights jersey in my office and look upon those days fondly. I miss the tight-knit community, the food, White Lake, and E-Town.

I especially miss the bond we shared, and the lessons you taught me along the way. I have always said, I regretted leaving West Bladen not too long after I did, as it was the happiest I had ever been, and the best place I ever worked as a principal. I have been chasing the dream of recreating that experience ever since, and have come to rest on the fact that the 2010-2011 school year we spent together was unique altogether. One day I hope to revisit and say hello. Until then, maybe there is a little West Bladen Magic left in this new superintendent, and perhaps we can turn our district around the way you helped me do so back then. I miss you, respect you, and am always pulling for you.


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