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All residents need to be aware that there is a scam being carried out in which the suspects contact the victim by phone, text, or email. The suspect caller falsely represents themselves as an official business or entity (including, but not limited to Publisher’s Clearing House, Lottery,  IRS, Amazon, or a State or Local Law Enforcement Agency) and tells the victim that there is some type of outstanding debt or bill that needs to be paid or they have won a cash prize. The suspect will usually say that the debt, bill, or prize money can be resolved or collected by giving out personal or financial information to pay the bill or a processing fee for an award. The suspect may even tell the victim that their personal or financial identity has been compromised in order to trick the victim into giving up sensitive information. The suspect may go as far as to tell the victim that there are outstanding warrants on them and they need to send money to get the charges dismissed. In some cases, the suspect even tells the victim that their Amazon, Apple, Ebay, Cash app., etc.t, accounts have been compromised. The suspect will also request money from the victim by having them give out their debit card, credit card, and bank account numbers, thereby accessing those accounts and stealing money from them. The suspect will also get the victim to purchase various types of gift or green dot cards and place money on the card. The suspect usually asks the victim to stay on the phone with them through the process, and when the money is loaded on the card, the suspect requests the gift or green dot card number and the P.I.N. number. This allows the suspect to access the money loaded on the card and steal it. Once this money is stolen from the card, it cannot be refunded. The suspect will use a spoofed or cloned phone number when making the call to the victim, which will show up on caller I.D. Once the call is ended, the number is usually deactivated when the victim tries to call them back.

If you receive such a call, it is recommended that you hang up immediately and block the number that called you. While on the phone, do not give out any personal or financial information which could compromise your identity, monies, or property.  If you have any further questions or are unsure of any calls of this nature, please feel free to contact the Elizabethtown Police Department Criminal Investigations Division at 910-862-3125.

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