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Bladen County Republicans—

Have you had enough yet…? Have you finally figured out–after 14 months of incompetent leadership from the White House–that our last election inflicted upon America what is unquestionably the single worst Presidency in American history?
The Biden Administration has not built ANYthing back better! In fact, Biden and his flunkies single-handedly managed to impose oppressive vaccine mandates that not only shut down businesses and put people out of work, but also managed to wreck our public school education system. Sensing that the COVID shutdown was becoming ineffective, the progressives in his administration have now shifted course, and are pushing the Critical Race Theory narrative, designed, of course, to manipulate businesses and schools into signing on with their ongoing efforts to maintain thought and behavior control. For liberal/progressive Democrats, it’s all about ‘control’ and ‘authority’, and if they can’t achieve it or maintain it by peddling a global “OH! We’re all gonna die! Just do as we tell you!’ narrative, they will achieve it thru social engineering! 
Biden’s inexperience in foreign affairs has tragically displayed itself in his appalling and incompetent withdrawal from Afghanistan, and which led to the needless deaths of 13 American soldiers. His incompetency regarding international affairs is still on display, as foreign adversaries such as Russia, Iran, and China once again challenge the strength and resolve of the Free World, of which America has always been the leader. Without a Free America, there IS no Free World, and with a doddering, faltering leader at the helm of our country, America is telling the entire world that there are NO adults in charge either–just whiny children with starry-eyed dreams of a ‘Green New Deal’ that will effectively shut down our economy, affect our military preparedness, and signal to the world that America is now a second-rate nation, clearly on its way to becoming a Third-World country!
The fact is, it is worth debating whether we are still a free and independent nation anyway! With absolutely NO security at our southern border, we have announced to the world that we are no longer a sovereign entity! Biden and his amateur policy makers have eliminated any sense of the United States being a nation of laws which illegal aliens should respect. No–Biden has made it clear that they can freeload on us–they can simply stroll across the southern border, and be entitled to a host of free amenities and privileges, including a rapid path to instant citizenship–no matter that they broke our laws getting here, and are in our country illegally! In other words, it PAYS to be an illegal alien! 
But wait–! That isn’t all! In case you forgot, in just 14 months into his Presidency, the Biden-led government has managed to plunge America (and all taxpayers!) into trillions of dollars of unpayable debt! All for the greater good, of course! (sarcasm).  His feckless economic policies have led to rising food and fuel prices, scarce market commodities, and a shrinking retail base that can barely sustain itself. Every single time you go to the gas pump, you can’t help but remember that under a Trump Administration, we had gas prices as low as $1.79/gal., versus the $4 to $7/gal. prices we see across the country now. But–you know–Trump was always putting out those mean tweets and all, so–he had to go, right…?? 
Next time you go to the food store, and notice all of those empty shelves, just remember–Democrats have embraced the notion that socialism is GOOD for us, and we should EMBRACE their vision for a democratic/socialist America! Gee–what could possibly go wrong…?  As Biden just pointed out this week–we’re entering a New World Order–and you may be absolutely certain, the Democrat Party fully intends to be in control of it. Get used to it, folks–Democrats intend for Americans to be ‘subjects’, not citizens. Their goal is not to strengthen our constitutionally representative democratic republic; their goal is to wield absolute control over us, and over every aspect of our economy, our education system, our foreign and domestic policy programs, and over our political structure. Democrats are planning for one-party rule, and, given what we hear from them, and from their liberal media sycophants–Republicans are NOT invited to play in the sand box with them! 
There is STILL a means and a method for combating the Democrat Party’s despicable agenda for America, and it involves getting men and women with a vision for standing strong on behalf of America into political office! Despite the assaults and insults from the liberal Leftists in media and government, we STILL  have a strong, time-tested, and battle-tested constitution, and we have candidates for office who are willing to represent the values and the strengths which that constitution represents in our Judiciary and in our Legislature! Please–come out, and MEET them!!  Take note of the announcement below….! 
And, as always–thanks for being an informed, and an involved, Bladen County Republican!
Wayne Schaeffer
Bladen County GOP Chairman

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