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By Erin Smith

An administrative hearing has been set for the Town Commissioners in Bladenboro to hear from Carroll Poultry officials regarding their wastewater permit. The hearing will take place on Tuesday, December 11, 2018, at 7 p.m. at the Bladenboro Town Hall.

Town Clerk Melanie Hester said the Bladenboro Town Board has begun the process to revoke the company’s wastewater discharge permit and the administrative hearing is a part of that process.

The Bladenboro Town Board voted at their October meeting to begin the process to revoke the permit. A certified letter was mailed to the company notifying them of the board’s intentions to revoke their discharge permit on November 2nd. Hester said the company responded by requesting an administrative hearing.

Hester said, “This (the administrative hearing) is for them (Carroll Poultry) to argue their position.”

She said an administrative hearing is similar to a quasi-judicial process in that Carroll Poultry and the Bladenboro Town Board can both present their arguments.

“The board could make a decision that night or they can put off making a decision. It is at the discretion of the board what to do,” said Hester.

She said the town’s position is represented by the fact that they have begun the process to revoke Carroll Poultry’s discharge permit. The town has fined the company a total of three times for violating the permit. Hester said the company is making installment payments on one fine and has not paid anything on the other two fines.

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