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By Nicole Smith

Every year on March 22nd, we have a duty… One which I, personally, take rather seriously. Should you choose to accept it, that duty is to take a day to relax, enjoy, and goof off! Leave the work until tomorrow, and take a break.

Created by 10-year-old Monica “Moeller” Dufour and her Grandfather, William D. Chase, in 1976, National Goof Off Day is a chance for us all to let go of everyday life pressures and do what makes US happy.  

Monica said during an interview, “My Grandfather, William D. Chase, created Chases’ Calendar. When I was 10 (1976), I was listening to him speaking on a radio station, encouraging people to call with ideas. I disguised my voice and called with Goof-Off Day (since I was goofing off by calling in). He said there wasn’t such a day, but he thought it was a great idea. The next day, I confessed to him I called in about Goof-Off Day. He smiled and showed me a local newspaper that said there was a need for a Goof-Off Day. I guess the reporter got wind of the interview. Anyway, that is how the holiday began….”

There are no rules on how to Celebrate National Goof Off Day… That’s the whole point! However, if you are in need of some suggestions, here are a few:

  • Stay in your PJs all day long.
  • Read the book Goose Goofs Off to your child. His motto is I’ll do it tomorrow!
  • Have a sock race! Empty the sock drawers, preferably mom and dad’s, because the bigger, the better, and make a pile on the floor. Each child starts with bare feet, and the goal is to put as many socks on their feet before the sock pile is gone. They’ll look goofy doing it and goofy when they’re done, too! And, all the while they were playing, they were goofing off.
  • Build a blanket fort!
  • Turn off your electronics and goof off in the outdoors!
  • Play Dress-Up. It doesn’t matter what age our kids are. Playing dress-up allows them to act out. Bring out some old makeup, old clothes and use a hairbrush as a microphone. Crank up the music and let the lipsyncing begin. Share a few videos, laugh, and make some memories, too. 
  • Play an old-fashioned game of charades. Pick a topic that will keep your children on course. For example, you may want only to act out one of these topics: Disney movies, international travel, or national days.

It doesn’t matter what you decide to do, so long as it’s something that makes you smile and satisfies your soul. Let us know how you celebrate National Goof Off Day!

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