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Growing up in Bladen County, mental health was rarely discussed or prioritized. My college journey underscored this gap, leading me to shift my focus from biology to mental health— a
field I am passionate about. Witnessing friends and family struggle, along with personal experiences, highlighted the urgent need for mental health support.

During my freshman year, the tragic loss of four students within two months emphasized the crisis. This experience reinforced my belief that mental health conversations must happen now,
and often, it starts with listening and validating someone’s feelings.

When Pastor Jason shared his vision for the Dream Coach mentor program, I was deeply moved by his commitment to addressing this need in our community. DreamWorks has hired me to help launch this program, which aims to equip mentors to provide mental health support and empower individuals to dream of a better future. Bladen County has been working hard to address this crisis, and we aim to complement and support existing programs with a grassroots effort. Our goal is to empower hope and support throughout our county by equipping mentors, whom we all Dream Coaches.

As a rising senior at UNC-Chapel Hill, I am set to graduate in December with degrees in Psychology and Exercise & Sports Science. My goal is to pursue a career in clinical psychology
or mental health counseling, with a particular interest in sports psychology. Currently, I am involved in research on the effects of physical activity on mental health, specifically through an
8-week yoga mindfulness program.

The Dream Coach mentor program represents a long-held vision in Pastor Jason’s heart to bring mental health awareness and support to Bladen County. This initiative stems from the heart of Foundation Church core values. We hope this initiative will start crucial conversations, break the stigma, and foster a healthier community.

Our Mission Statement: “Our mission is to train and equip Dream Coaches to serve as mental health coaches, moral ambassadors, and spiritual advisors, empowering individuals and
communities in Bladen County to achieve better mental health, ethical integrity, and spiritual growth. Through comprehensive training and continuous support, we strive to foster a
compassionate and resilient community where every person feels heard, valued, and inspired to pursue their dreams.”

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