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By: Cheryl Thurston

Lennon-Lacy-memorialOn Friday, August 28, 2015, Dr. William Barbor, of the NAACP, the Rogers Law Firm, of Fayetteville and the people of the local community, came together at the First Baptist Church, in Bladenboro, to honor the memory of Lennon Lacy, the 17 year old West Bladen High School Football player, who was found dead, hanging from a swing set, in a trailer park not far from his home, wearing someone else’s shoes, just after he had packed his gym bag in anticipation of his first big game the next day according to family members. The police on the scene ruled the case a suicide. That was one year ago.

A lot has happened in the year since this tragedy, but there has been an extended waiting period for those of us who seek justice for Lennon Lacy. Why do investigations take so long?

How is the family of the deceased supposed to move forward without closure?

How does a community move forward with so many unanswered questions?

Well, the FBI is in charge of the investigation, you say? That sounds like a buck being passed down the line, doesn’t it? If we say, as a community, that ‘someone else is handling the investigation and we will have to wait for their report’, we remove ourselves from the conversation. In America, in North Carolina, in Bladen County, this is a conversation we need to have.

Let’s ask some other questions. Why is the FBI handling the investigation? What was the basis for local Law Enforcement to declare the case a suicide? What investigation was performed? Why were there no photographs of the scene? Why was the SBI on the scene before the local Medical Examiner? Why was the SBI called instead of the County Sheriff? Why would the SBI refuse to allow the Medical Examiner to photograph the body? And, there are so many other unanswered questions, that it is difficult for the community to let this one go.

Why is the FBI handling the investigation? Because the manner in which the initial ‘investigation’ was conducted was so far from what could be considered normal or proper, that it was taken, not only from the hands of local Law Enforcement, but also from the hands of State Law Enforcement, and has now become a federal investigation.

What was the basis for local Law Enforcement to declare it a suicide? Lacy had lost an uncle recently, and he was bereaved by that, but the investigating officers on the scene didn’t know that. He had abrasions on his face and a big knot on his forehead when he was found, hanging by 2 belts, not his own. The shoes on his feet were nearly 2 sizes too small for him, and there was nothing on the scene he could have kicked away to hang himself. Certainly, the police should have thought it odd that there were 2 belts making the noose. What did they notice that led to the declaration of suicide? Why did the ‘too small’ shoes disappear from the evidence before the body was brought in for autopsy?

What investigation was performed? There were no photographs permitted by the SBI, according to medical examiner, Kinlaw. There were no swabs or fingernail scrapings taken for evidence, to determine if there had been a struggle. The investigators quickly closed the investigation. The crime scene tape was removed from the scene before the body.

Why was the SBI on the scene before the local Medical Examiner? Who made the decision to call in the SBI? Isn’t it customary, in situations where city police need assistance, to call the County Sheriff? There are too many unanswered questions to let this case fade away. Justice has not been served yet.

Claudia Lacy wants to know the truth about how her son died. Bladen County residents do too. It has been a rough year for Claudia, and her other 3 children. “Mother’s Day this year was the worst for me,” Claudia said as she addressed the crowd at Lennon’s memorial. “People ask me how I am able to deal with it, and I tell them, I look at Mother Mary. Mary had to watch them hang Jesus, she was there and saw all that. Mary is my strength. She paved the way for me. I have no doubt in my mind that God is going to take care of me”

Ms. Lacy, along with the Rogers Law Firm, and the NAACP, ask that the community keep the conversation going until the whole truth comes out.

Allen Rogers, of Rogers Law Firm, urges the public to join the NAACP, and asks that anyone who may have information please contact him at (910) 433-0833 or email at: allen.rogers@allenrogers-law.com

Dr. Rev. William Barbor, of the NAACP, had this to say, “We are not just going to bury our children, and then have a good service, and forget their memory. One month ago, new evidence was delivered to the FBI and they are pursuing new leads. The investigation is still very much alive. I would urge you all to stay involved.”

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