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DUBLIN – The Bladen Community College Career and College Promise Program (CCPP) continues to prepare local high school students for university environments with up to two years of college credits and a sampling of college rigors.

Cierra Griffin, BCC College and High School Programs Coordinator explains, “The College Transfer Pathway provides students with the opportunity to take college classes that will not only transfer to the high school as honors credit and can be applied to graduation requirements, but will also transfer to any of the 16 state universities and some private schools in North Carolina.”

Thirty-eight Bladen County high school students will begin their university experience this fall with two years of transferring college credits acquired at Bladen Community College while still in high school.

West Bladen High School graduate, Kolby Edwards, remarked, “I had a great two years in the CCP Program at BCC.  I loved being able to make the connections with the instructors and the ability to take classes not offered at the high school.  I learned how to manage my schedule with college classes, high school classes, and  after school activities.  I hope that future students get the same experience that I was given.  The program is one of the best opportunities in the county and I am well pleased to have participated in it. ”

Under the guidance of Griffin, high school students work at their own pace. The college transfer program offers associate degrees in art and science. The general education classes offered within the program are required bachelor degree classes; therefore, every credit transfers.

Ashton Magby, an East Bladen High School graduating senior confirmed Edwards’ remarks. “As a CCP graduate BCC has given me the opportunity to not only prepare for a four year university, but also earn my associates in arts and science before graduation high school.  This program has given me insight on what to expect and I believe it is a great option for high school students to get a head start on their academic achievements. “

Earning college credits while still in high school is a rapidly growing opportunity across the country.  With the introduction of Early College programs on community college campuses, younger students and their families save thousands of dollars in college tuition.

With the growing availability of online classes, students have time management flexibility, allowing active high school students to maintain their extracurricular activities and personal interests.

Motivated students can earn as many as two associate degrees. East Bladen High School student Ashley Earl received associate degrees in both Arts and Sciences at the BCC’s recent graduation ceremonies.

“What I have learned through the CCP Program, is to always ask for help. Not only are the instructors willing to help, but there are also resource and learning centers at BCC that can address your needs.   Use them to your advantage!” stated Earl.

Earl added more advice for local students considering enrolling in college classes, “Reach for your goals.  This program has been a blessing in many ways as it has saved money and time.  I now have two associate degrees and it has laid a foundation to my future college endeavors. “

Fellow student Delmar Diaz Deleon chimed in “My advice for future participants is to take advantage of this great opportunity and not to give up because it is worth it. “

Final registration for upcoming fall classes is August 7th and 8th, 2019. Registration is ongoing on both days.   For more information about registration, or to discuss the Career and College Promise Pathway for high school students, call 910 879-5500, or visit the website at www.bladencc.edu.

L-Ashley Hickman
R-April Smith
Jacob Hester, Danae McMillan, Callie Lewis, Ashley Earl (EB), Destini Jones (EB), Delmar Diaz Deleon,
First Row Standing
Itzel Zuniga, Kristina Gabrielle Bryan, Jennifer Gaytan Morales, Conner Brisson
Second Row Standing
Benjamin Waters (EB), Ethan Fletcher (EB), Cheyenne Lewis, Edgardo Lara, Kolby Edwards

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