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Meet the Judicial and Legislative candidates from Bladen County, our voting District, and from across the state who are seeking your assistance and your support, as we approach the Mid-Term Primary elections on May 17th!

We simply can NOT continue to allow activist Judges who rule from the bench, or Republican-In-Name-Only liberal politicians, to continue to enact policies and agendas which weakens the constitutional structure of our courts and our nation. After one full year of the Democrat Party having full control of the White House, the U.S. House, the U.S. Senate, and the Governor’s Office of North Carolina, it has become painfully clear that the Democrat Party has NO vision for our country whatsoever. Their entire goal, their entire vision–for themselves AND for America–is simply to secure power for themselves–to position themselves into positions of authority which can never be challenged, solely to legitimize their lust for absolute control. 

It’s time for Republicans to change that! The derangement of the Democrat Party has become deadly and dangerous to the vitality and future of our constitutional republic. It is time for people with an ethic of deep conscience and morality to make their voices heard, and the most active way that we can do that is to encourage, and to vote for, candidates who support the rule of law, and who are driven by a deep sense of the greatness and the potential for a strong and successful America!

Join us in the ballroom of the Cape Fear Winery at 7PM, Tuesday, March 29th, for an opportunity to meet the candidates who seek to represent America! We encourage you to make plans to attend!

Thanks for being a concerned, involved, and informed Bladen County Republican!

Wayne Schaeffer

Bladen County GOP Chairman

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