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Lennon Lacy Bio PicIt was a year ago today that Bladen County lost Lennon Lacy, a talented football player at West Bladen High School. Lacy’s death was first ruled a suicide, but since his family members, friends, and the NAACP voiced concerns about unanswered questions surrounding his death, there have been investigations by the SBI and FBI.

According to the Bladen County District Attorney’s office, the SBI closed the case; however, the FBI is still conducting a full investigation. According to Assistant District Attorney, Glenn Emery, the FBI should come forward with some answers soon, from their investigation.
The Lennon Lacy story has gained national attention due to reports on ESPN, the Katie Couric Show and, a documentary about Lacy titled, “Always in Season”.
The memorial services for Lennon Lacy will be held tonight in Bladenboro at  7 p.m. at 521 Martin Luther King Jr Drive, Bladenboro, near old Spaulding Monroe Middle School.
For more details about this event, see the Facebook page.
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