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The North Carolina smoothed seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was 4.1 percent in September, decreasing 0.1 of a percentage point from the previous month and increasing 0.4 of a percentage point from September 2018, reports the N.C. Department of Commerce.

Over the month, the number of persons unemployed decreased by 3,817 (1.8%). The civilian labor force grew by 8,033 (0.2%) to 5,119,950.

Nationally, September’s unemployment rate was 3.5 percent. The number of persons unemployed was 5,769,000, while the civilian labor force was 164,039,000.

Seasonally adjusted Total Nonfarm industry employment (4,578,000) increased 8,000 (0.2%) since August 2019 and increased 102,700 (2.3%) since September 2018. Private sector employment grew 8,200 (0.2%) over the month and increased 99,900 (2.7%) over the year.

Of the major industries for which payroll data are seasonally adjusted, Trade, Transportation & Utilities (3,900; 0.5%) had the largest over-the-month gain in jobs, followed by Leisure & Hospitality Services (3,800; 0.7%), Professional & Business Services (2,100; 0.3%), Education & Health Services (1,700; 0.3%), Other Services (900; 0.6%), Financial Activities (400; 0.2%), and Information (300; 0.4%).

Manufacturing (4,200; 0.9%) reported the largest over-the-month decrease, followed by Construction (700; 0.3%), and Government (200; >-0.1%).

Mining & Logging remained unchanged over the month.

Since September 2018, Trade, Transportation & Utilities added the largest number of jobs (32,000; 3.9%), followed by Leisure & Hospitaliy Services (28,400; 5.8%), Professional & Business Services (16,500; 2.6%), Education & Health Services (16,300; 2.7%), Financial Activities (8,200; 3.4%), Other Services (6,400; 4.2%), Government (2,800; 0.4%), and Information (1,800;
2.3%). Manufacturing (8,400; 1.8%) reported the largest decrease, followed by Construction (1,200; 0.5%), and Mining & Logging (100; 1.8%).

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