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 The opening of early voting in North Carolina also marks the launch of a new civics initiative in NC high schools: First Vote NC.

East Bladen and West Bladen High school students participated in the initiative. Partnering with EdNC, CarolinaK12, and the NC Department of Public Instruction, First Vote NC (formerly Kids Voting NC) works with educators to get students involved, engaged, and ready to participate in American democracy. The core elements include an online voter platform, project-based lesson plans; free enrollment in Turbo Vote; an exit poll survey, and a data analysis forum.

More than 200 high schools in 85 North Carolina counties have registered to be part of the new initiative.

Students in civics classes will become the Board of Elections for their high schools and implement a simulation election for their peers. Teachers will engage students with lessons that use current court cases and headlines to discuss voter laws, soundbite politics, party affiliation, and much more.

“North Carolina’s civics and social studies standards have a focus on participation in our democracy,” said State Superintendent June Atkinson. “I encourage all of our students to be active participants in our democracy and to make voting a priority when they turn 18 and can register to vote.”

Research, polling and election data suggest that young people, at unprecedented levels, feel disengaged from their government. According to a 2015 poll of 4,000 young Americans, only 11percent said they would ever consider running for office and the 2014 youth voter turnout was a dismal 19.9 percent – the lowest youth turnout rate ever recorded in a federal election. In local elections, that number often drops to less than 1percent.

“When you teach kids to drive, everyone agrees that putting them behind the wheel is an important part of the process. The same can be said for voting and civic engagement,” said Hunter Buxton, Executive Director of First Vote.

Student’s ballots will almost look exactly the same as their adult counterparts, with the exception that student ballots will include questions that the general election will not. A group of 150 4-H student leaders conceived two issue-based questions for the statewide ballot and students at each high school will put their own stamp on their ballot by including an issue-oriented question of their own.

Attached to the ballot is an exit poll that asks 10 demographic and civic engagement questions. This data, along with election results, will provide a springboard for a thoughtful, post- election analysis experience. Do your news sources affect how you vote? Are girls or boys more likely to vote and do they select different candidates? What correlation is there between your parents voting and your likelihood to vote?  Who is more optimistic about the future – rural or urban teenagers?

This election is not just about presidential politics. Voters in North Carolina will consider 1,700 other names on ballots across the state in local and state elections that will shape the future of our North Carolina and its cities and communities. First Vote NC hopes to demystify the voting process and impress upon young people that the first step towards solving the myriad challenges their generation will face is to become knowledgeable and engaged participants in civic life.

Attached is a list of schools that have registered to participate.

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