Spread the love

By Cara Beth Smith

We are well into the first month of 2023. Whether you set a resolution or not, the New Year is a great time to try some new things – get into new hobbies, participate in community activities that you have never done before, try cooking new things … The opportunities are endless.

Sometimes we need to try something new in order to get out of old ruts that we have been stuck in. Maybe your house is on the same meal rotation every week, and you are tired of everything you cook. Or maybe your hobbies have started to feel like more of a chore than a pleasure. Whatever it may be, trying something new can remedy your problem!

Here in Bladen County, we actually have community activities that go on all throughout the year. Some of them are even free of charge! A great way to stay updated on the things going on in and around the Mother County is to stay updated on BladenOnline’s event page.

Speaking of community, there are so many organizations in our community that are always accepting members and volunteers – Friends of the Bladen County Public Library, Boost the Boro, Bladen County Animal Shelter, local churches and schools, and much more!

Additionally, new hobbies are great things to implement in our lives in this new-year-season. Hobbies help us grow, encourage socialization, build skill sets, aid our mental health, and combat complacency and boredom.

Hobbies to try:

Reading. This seems very obvious, but it really is a good idea. It is low budget because all books can be borrowed from the public library at no cost. It keeps our mind sharp, and provides a “place” to escape the real world without even leaving the comfort of your home.

Vacation Planning. You may not consider this a hobby, but you can put a lot and time and effort into planning the perfect vacation. By spending time researching, mapping out your trip, creating your budget, and learning about the destination you can ensure a great trip within your means – and enjoy yourself while doing it.

Scrapbooking. In a world of social media and digital photos, you can have a creative outlet that also allows you to have physical copies of your favorite memories, right at your fingertips.

Baking and Cooking. We have to eat anyway, so making a hobby out of cooking is actually very productive. There is nothing like enjoying a meal or a dessert that you or a loved one prepared with love.

Thrift Shopping. It is both budget-friendly and environment-friendly. Making use of items that still have love left to give is a great way to save money and recycle. It is also entertaining to sift through a smorgasbord of items to find a one-of-a-kind piece that you love.

Sometimes, the best way to take care of yourself is to find a new way to enjoy yourself. Whether you enjoy your hobbies with friends and family or all by yourself, using these outlets can make us better as people in the long run. You never know where new hobbies may take you!

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