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On November 8th we fell short at the polls that night losing to my opponent. Like any other candidate losing is not a part of the plan, but my heart was filled with so much joy knowing that I gave it all I could and I left no stone unturned. I can honestly say that I wouldn’t trade the experience for nothing. Seeing my name on a ballot brought tears to my eyes because this wasn’t suppose to happen for me “ a little country boy from Chickenfoot Road by way of Rozierville Rd”.

I was a part of Bladen County Voter history due to the record breaking early voting numbers. My hearts desire is to continue to move Bladen County forward through community engagement, serving with excellence, and make sure that equity is given so that we all can have a seat at the table. I want you all to know that this is not the ending, but the beginning.

I want to thank God for giving me the vision to run. To my support team I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart. I want to thank my beloved District 3 for your love and support through voting, giving of your time, and contributing to the campaign. I want to thank my wife Yalita Purdie & Family for being so supportive and generous, I want to thank my Church Family for your prayers and support, I want to thank the Bladen County Democratic Party for your unwavering support, I want to thank every Educator who supported and backed me up, and I want to thank the NCAE: Bladen County Chapter. I also want to give a special thank you to Hakeem Brown and Cory Singletary for being true brothers as well all ran for office. I want to congratulate Mr. Keith Locklear on winning and I charge you to keep our Students and Educators of Bladen County FIRST. Again it was an honor to run this race and I believe that the best is only yet to come.

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