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To Board Members of Bladen County Schools,

As you might imagine, teachers at WBHS were flabbergasted upon learning that Dr. Hester would be placed at Elizabethtown Middle School for the following school year. This decision was under the guise that she would rescue one of our failing schools to prevent a state takeover in three years. It was made “in the best interest of our community”. However, when one looks a little deeper at the facts surrounding this move, it is clearly evident that this move sabotages both our schools and communities.

One major flaw in his reasoning is principal Joyce Spencer’s impressive academic growth during her first year at Elizabethtown Middle. Superintendent Atkinson perhaps forgot that this data is public. According to data, Mrs. Spencer took the school from a 56.1 (Growth not Met) to 79.0 (Growth Met) according to the school’s Academic Growth History. From the grading score, the school went from a F school of 25 to one of 36, which is only 4 points away from being out of the F category altogether. Why would you move someone that has shown that amount of progress in one year? Why? Is this move in the best interest of the students, staff, and community of Elizabethtown Middle?

If not to “improve” the middle school, what could be the real reason the superintendent decided to upheave our schools and communities? Could it have anything to do with retaliation over his daughter being held to the same standards as the rest of our students? It is a fact that the superintendent and his wife were upset over a dress code and container violation. In fact, he was overheard touting to a group of parents that he would make sure Dr. Hester would not be here next year. Do his actions reflect the “best interest of our community”? As a teacher who has a child in the school system, I made it clear to my child to always follow school policy. I expected more from my child than my students. Dr. Hester is known to go out of her way to treat all students the same, which includes her own. Her outstanding record at West Bladen speaks for itself.

When the news of the move hit our school, many teachers wanted to show support for our principal. We know that she’s the perfect leader for our school. We had a meeting to discuss how to do this in a positive manner by only focusing on her strengths as a high school principal. It was decided to ask the superintendent to come speak with us. To answer our questions and concerns. To help us understand this move. After all, “One Team, One Goal” right?

Unfortunately, Superintendent Atkinson became angry when he received the invitation. He actually wanted the names of those who attended this meeting and demanded to know who organized the meeting. Why? Should we have to fear retaliation for showing support and loyalty to our school and leaders? Isn’t loyalty and integrity a quality for which we should strive? What type of leader responds to people in this manner? Certainly not one that is acting on integrity or “the best interest of our community”.

Bladen County has an excellent school system. However, the teachers are the backbone of the school system. You cannot ignore or belittle them. We have teachers in Bladen County that have phenomenal growth but have yet been asked to mentor or help other teachers or schools that are struggling.

Wouldn’t this be a way to accomplish “One Team, One Goal”? Why move everyone around and make them unhappy? Unhappy people will not perform for you. Unhappy teachers will not be successful. Unhappy students will not be successful.

Our superintendent does not realize the turmoil he is causing with a thoughtless vindictive swipe of his pen, nor does he realize the hornets’ nest he has inadvertently stirred-up by doing so. When teachers cannot feel free to voice their questions and concerns, they begin looking for a place of employment in which they can. Our superintendent does not know the names of his teachers or the students, nor does he make an effort to carry on conversations with them. We are not loyal to him because he has never given us a reason to be so. However, we are loyal to our leaders who we work with every day in “the best interest of the community”.

Although Superintendent Atkinson wants to sugar-coat his decision for these moves as a solution for our community, the facts show otherwise. The community knows. The teachers know. The students know. In fact, surrounding districts have jumped into this soap opera as well. They know too. It really is embarrassing when Robeson County is laughing at the antics of our superintendent using his power and position to seek revenge while also looking at this as an opportunity to recruit both principals.

As members of the board reflect on the latest actions of the superintendent, please consider what this is teaching our students in Bladen County. We all want our students to grow into responsible, respectful and successful adults. We want them to stand-up for what is right and good. How does the superintendent’s actions reflect that? How does your refusal to hold him accountable reflect that?


One of many concerned teachers afraid to voice an opinion.

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