Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingUp and at it today!

Congratulations to all the graduates, especially high school and college.

Graduation was a great experience for me.  Little did I know that a test a day, sometimes more, was just ahead.

I enjoyed Father’s Day.  Saw all of the immediate family, with one exception and he had a good reason.

Well, it’s Monday! Plans?

I often think back to early days, farming.  If the crops were planted, as most should be by now, my dad could find something for us to do.  Clean up around the tobacco barn before the crop was ready to harvest.  Seemed we plowed every crop more than was necessary.

Then there was the garden to be taken care of.  If not one thing, it was another.  But, looking back, a good experience.

I am asked often if I miss those days, yep, I do, no plowing, no cleaning up around the barn and I have never had a garden since I left home.  Memories are great and preferred.

Work on town and county government budgets is either complete or nearing completion.  Bladen County Commissioners meet at 5 p.m. today to continue the process and their regular meeting begins at 6:30 p.m.

Another bad weekend at Myrtle Beach and London, and many other places.  Too much unrest.

Live life for the moment because everything else is uncertain!  Louis Tomlinson

Nothing is perfect.  Life is messy.  Relationships are complex.  Outcomes are uncertain.  People are irrational.  Hugh Mackay

There is nothing so uncertain as a sure thing.  Scotty Bowman

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