Spread the love

By Cara Beth Lewis

In Bladen County, there are so many people who serve others, both near and far. Dublin First Baptist Church has a heart for Moldova, and they serve small villages there in a variety of ways.

On episode 17 of “People to People” on Youtube, a great story is shared. Watch here:

Joe Jackson is a part of the Moldova ministry. In the People to People video, Jackson tells about Dublin First Baptist Church’s Moldova ministry, alongside many others who are involved. Jackson says, “We related to that village,” as he explains similarities between our local community and the village of Cahul in Moldova.

Peggy Hester, another contributor to the ministry, shared about her experience in Moldova. She said, “The generosity of the people, the kindness that they showed for us was unlike anything we had ever experienced before in our lives.” Serving the people of Moldova has not only blessed the villagers there, but it has also blessed those who are serving. Hester added, “The impact of socialism that you still see in Moldova and how it is oppressing the people was so eye-opening to us… we had never seen that before.”

The mission team here serves Moldova in various ways. Jackson shared, “We have a couple that, every year, sends money to buy all of the kids in Kindergarten a pair of winter boots. That’s their Christmas present to them.” Dublin FBC is also involved in a local school there that offers Kindergarten, daycare, and after-school care since 2013. The ministry pays the salaries of the school director, two teachers, a housekeeper, and a cook. They also support a day school and have installed reverse-osmosis water systems to provide clean water.

Women of the group hand-make dresses and other clothing for the children of the village in Moldova. Julia Fraiman stated, “I have enjoyed all of the dresses that I’ve made, and I want each one to be special so the little girls that wear them feel special, also.” Marie Jackson, another contributor to the mission, talked about delivering the dresses to the little girls. She said, “We put all the dresses out on long tables and the little girls would go and look at all of the different materials.”

Marie also shared that she is involved in Operation Christmas Child through Samaritan’s Purse. She shared that they had the opportunity to go to Moldova and purchase items to fill boxes and bags for 300 children there. She added, “The people we’ve met are like family to us, and you want to help your family in any way you can.”

In the words of Marie Jackson, “God has blessed us and that’s what we’re supposed to do… Give those blessings to someone else.”

Joe Jackson told BladenOnline that they were last in Moldova in July of 2021, and will hopefully travel again in spring of 2022 if COVID travel restrictions allow it. For more information on how you can help this ministry, contact Joe Jackson at (910)818-0010 or email at joeljackson1951@gmail.com.

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