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By: Hailey Smith

June has been a hot month so far, but that’s not stopping the Elizabethtown Fire Department from testing their strength and ability. The department is making it a requirement that all the members on their team take a Physical Ability Test.

According to Lieutenant Hollis Freeman with the local fire department, the test consists of a variety of strength and ability activities. Some of the requirements are raising the ladder, pulling the 150′ x 1″ 3/4 hand line fully charged, climbing a 75′ ladder, dragging a 150 pound dummy 50 feet, carrying equipment 50 feet, striking a 16 pound sledge hammer 20 times, 30 seconds of push ups and sit ups, and run/walk 6 tenths of a mile.

Hollis says, “This test gives the fire department a general idea of your physical ability to do the job. All of the testing is done at the fire department.” Currently, 22 members have completed the test so far. Hollis added, “We hope to have all members tested by the end of June.”

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