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Piano Festival concert features renowned Italian pianist

 The 38th Annual Dr. Sharyn Edwards Piano Festival is March 10 through 12 at Southeastern Community College. The three-day event, named in honor of Edwards, an acclaimed former Southeastern Community College music faculty member, includes piano competitions and recitals by students in kindergarten through college. For a full list of events, visit www.sccnc.edu. The opening concert is Thursday, March 10 at 7 p.m. in the SCC Auditorium and features Italian Pianist Paolo André Gualdi. Admission is $10.

Paolo André Gualdi has played recitals in Italy, France, Brazil and the United States for music organizations such as A.Gi.Mus., Accademia Ori, and Accademia Amadeus (Italy); Universidade Federal do Rio Grande so Sul and Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (Brazil); Musée Würth (France); International Piano Series of Charleston, American Liszt Society, Cincinnati Conservatory, and the Piccolo Spoleto Festival (U.S.A.). Orchestras he has performed with include the Georgia Philharmonic, Wilmington Symphony, Atlanta Philharmonic, Florence Symphony, DeKalb Symphony, and the Universidade de Caxias do Sul Symphony Orchestra. He has recorded for Mark Records and IFO Classics, and his performances have been broadcasted by radios such as NPR and Radio Vaticana.

The Dr. Sharyn Edwards Piano Festival is dedicated to meeting the needs of piano students and teachers from the southeastern North Carolina counties of Bladen, Brunswick, Columbus, Cumberland, New Hanover, Pender, and Robeson.  Participants from other parts of the state are welcome.

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