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Congressman Robert PittengerCongressman Robert Pittenger today launched his first television ad across the newly created 9th Congressional District focusing on his leadership on national security. The initial ad buy will focus on Fox News stations with plans to expand to other media outlets once judicial approval is granted to the new districts.

“We are excited to reach out to the new communities of our district with our message of strengthening the national security of the United States at a time when our nation has become increasingly vulnerable to terrorists,” said Congressman Pittenger. “Our country needs strong, experienced leadership to help protect us from radical Islamic terrorists around the world. As Chairman of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare, it is my role in the Congress to help insure our domestic security”

“Congressman Pittenger is serving with the highest distinction in his second term in the United States Congress. We recognize and appreciate that he has one of the most conservative voting records in Congress. Robert Pittenger will always be a champion of traditional North Carolina values. At a time when the liberal establishment works to undermine what has made America great, North Carolina Republicans can trust Congressman Pittenger to be an unwavering voice for our conservative principles,” said North Carolina Senator Jeff Tarte.

Congressman Pittenger has been endorsed by the National Rifle Association, National Right to Life, The Faith and Freedom Coalition, National Federation of Independent Business, holds a 100% rating with the Family Research Council, among many other prominent figures.

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