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Contributed on November 8, 2020

Bladen County Republicans —

The fight for America is on!!!  Yes, it’s GAME ON, folks, and we successfully managed to ‘flip’ Bladen County Republican! This is an unprecedented victory for the principles of conservatism, and for the survival of our constitutional republic!
Take a look at some of the news results from around the state that reflects the North Carolina Republican Party’s analysis. This is where we are as of this weekend!
My DEEPEST thanks to everyone who has participated in this tumultuous process! It has been an exercise in civic responsibility, and you may be sure–the Bladen County Democrats are NOT happy about all of this, despite the possibility of flipping the White House, and despite Cooper winning reelection to the Governor’s office. (Cooper, by the way, will have to contend with a NOT-very-quiet Lt. Governor named Mark Robinson. This will effectively hamstring some of Cooper’s progressive agendas for NC)  And–stay tuned, because there is more to come. This isn’t over yet….
Wayne Schaeffer
Bladen County GOP Chairman

North Carolina Election Results!

  • Republicans are winning, and HAVE won, up and down the ballot in North Carolina!
  • North Carolina is safely on board for President Trump’s conservative message! 
  • Senator Thom Tillis has declared victory in the election for the United States Senate! This is EXTREMELY important, because if American conservatives lose the Senate, we ARE truly in trouble as a nation, because then NOTHING will serve as a legislative check on the liberal Left’s progressive agenda. 
  • Republicans won eight out of the twelve congressional races. 
    • Congressman Dr. Greg Murphy will continue to represent North Carolina’s 3rd District. 
    • Congresswoman Virginia Foxx will continue to represent North Carolina’s 5th District. 
    • Congressman David Rouzer will continue to represent North Carolina’s 7th District!  (That’s US, folks!) 
    • Congressman Richard Hudson will continue to represent North Carolina’s 8th District. 
    • Congressman Dan Bishop will continue to represent North Carolina’s 9th District. 
    • Congressman Patrick McHenry will continue to represent North Carolina’s 10th District. 
    • Congressman-elect Madison Cawthorn will soon represent North Carolina’s 11th District. 
    • Congressman Ted Budd will continue to represent North Carolina’s 13th District. 
  • Republicans won six Council of State races. 
    • Mike Causey has been re-elected as Insurance Commissioner.
    • Dale Folwell has been re-elected as Treasurer. 
    • Steve Troxler has been re-elected as Commissioner of Agriculture.
    • Mark Robinson has been elected the next Lt. Governor. 
    • Josh Dobson has been elected the next Commissioner of Labor. 
    • Catherine Truitt has been elected the next Superintendent of Public Instruction. 
    • Mike Causey has been re-elected as Insurance Commissioner.
    • Currently, the Attorney General Race is too close to call, and the North Carolina Republican Party is going to work to ensure that every legal ballot is counted. 
  • Republicans are in the lead in all eight statewide judicial races! Democrats HATE this! 
    • Justice Paul Newby is in the lead for the Chief Justice seat on the North Carolina Supreme Court. 
      • Justice Newby led the charge to win all eight statewide judicial races. 
      • The Chief Justice controls the Administrative Office of Courts which is why this race is so important.
      • Newby leads his opponent by 3,742 votes and the NCGOP will continue to fight to ensure that every legal vote is properly counted. 
    • Judge Phil Berger Jr and Tamara Barringer will soon serve on the North Carolina Supreme Court. 
    • All five Court of Appeals candidates were victorious on Tuesday night! 
      • Judge April Wood
      • Judge Jefferson Griffin 
      • Judge Jeff Carpenter
      • Judge Fred Gore
      • Judge Chris Dillon 
    • This team has been running together for over a year and have successfully reached their goal of becoming #TheRightJudges for North Carolina. 
    • For the first time ever, the NCGOP created a Judicial Victory Fund which solely helped getting conservative statewide judges elected. 
    • North Carolina knows that #JudgesMatter and proved it at the ballot box. 
  • Republicans will keep a majority in both the North Carolina House and North Carolina Senate! Despite a (possible) loss in the White House, and despite our incompetent Governor getting re-elected, Republicans posted a MAJOR win by the election of Lt. Governor Mark Robinson!

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