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Bladen County Republicans–

The possibilities (and the probabilities!) of fraud are almost LIMITLESS! Democrats are seizing upon this voting option because they KNOW they cannot get Joe Biden elected by any other means! NO ONE in their right mind can deny that Biden is incompetent, clueless, and very likely slipping rapidly into dementia. This guy is NUTS, but Democrats are clinging to him as their last, best hope for taking the White House.  If nothing else, Biden needs to be investigated over strong allegations which have surfaced recently regarding sexual assault. And let’s not forget his infamous son, Hunter Biden, who STILL has not answered a House or Senate investigative sub-committee yet over his role regarding his Burisma holdings in the Ukraine, as well as his obscene involvement with China!

No WONDER Democrats want to stack the deck in favor of Joe Biden–they can’t get him elected any OTHER way, and the coronavirus issue has handed them the PERFECT excuse for manipulating the voting process in a way that will favor them perpetrating a massive FRAUD on the American public!

We need to STOP the proposed action by the NC State Board of Elections to approve mail-in voting!  The State Board of Elections is currently run by Democrats, so they NEED to hear from Republicans, and they need to KNOW that Republicans have formally lodged their disapproval and disagreement with the state board’s proposed action.

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