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By: Bethany Stephens

Upcoming changes in the local Drivers Education program are set to go into effect during the upcoming school year.  In the past, the program’s funding came from state funds and allowed students to receive the classes for free, but, due to proposed changes in the state budget for next year, the board has chosen to use a contracted vendor to offer the classes at a $65 fee per student.

The Senate is proposing to cut all state funding for Drivers Education classes and have the classes offered through community colleges at full cost to the students and their families instead while the House is currently in favor of keeping the funding at the level it already is and keeping the classes as they currently are.  Even though the Senate and the House have not made their decision yet, the schools are currently still mandated to offer the classes regardless.

Since the matter will not be decided on until mid-September, the Board of Education is preparing in advance for the possible legislation by agreeing to use a contracted vendor to offer the classes.  Due to staffing and car maintenance, the cost to offer the classes are over $300 per student.  By contracting the classes through a vendor, the student will now have to pay $65, but the county will still pay for the rest of the cost via other funds.  As it has been in the past, upcoming classes will be offered on a first come first served basis in the Fall, Spring, and Summer at both East and West Bladen High Schools to interested students who are at least fourteen and a half years-old.

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