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By Erin Smith

The month of October is Cyber Security Awareness month and with many Internet scams and viruses making the rounds, protecting your personal information while online is very important. Often, a scam artist will send out emails that can sound legitimate or imitate companies you do business with on a regular basis. These emails will direct you to another website and ask you for such information as your user name, passwords, social security numbers and other personal information.

Sometimes, these websites will prompt you to download software or invoices or other attachments which can then infect your computer system with a virus.

It’s not just your computer that can be impacted. Be careful of how much personal information you share on social media. Criminals can use your social media postings to determine when you are not at home or to learn more about your habits.

During the third week of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM), October 16-20, learn how to keep your personal information safe online.

Follow these tips from the Department of Homeland Security’s Stop. Think. Connect.™ campaign to own your online presence:

*Treat personal information like money. Information about you, such as your purchase history and location, has value – just like money. Protect your data by being cautious about how mobile apps and websites collect your information.

*Own your online presence. Control and limit who can see your information online by checking the privacy and security settings on your accounts and apps. A cybercriminal can potentially see anything you post publicly, so keep your personal information private.

*Share with care. Think before posting about yourself and others online. Consider what a post reveals, who might see it, and how someone could perceive it now and in the future.

Join in celebrating National Cybersecurity Awareness Month throughout October. Please visit www.dhs.gov/national-cyber- security-awareness-month or www.dhs.gov/StopThinkConnect for more information.

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