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Recently, the grave of a Confederate solider was desecrated in Bladen County. The grave, located in the cemetery of Mt. Horeb Presbyterian Church, was found Monday with a circular hole and several bones moved.

While the miscreant’s motives are not confirmed at this time, if these actions were perpetrated as part of a protest against Confederate heritage and symbols, we as a society have certainly reached a new low. Regardless of motive, there is no more base form of cowardice or treachery than the purposeful destruction of human remains. One sacred tenet of human society, and one that has been held dear since the beginning of our existence on earth, is that the dead are to rest peacefully and unmolested in their graves. Across the world, all cultures observe this basic rule in one form or another.

Accordingly, the North Carolina Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans is offering a reward of $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for this appalling crime. A reward fund has been established and this amount may increase as donations are received.

“As an organization, we are used to our symbols, heritage, and history being attacked by the ignorant and depraved. However, that individuals would desecrate the remains of our ancestors is shocking to us. If those who are against us and our ancestors are willing to vandalize cemeteries and violate the sanctity of burial grounds, we call upon all citizens of North Carolina to join with us in condemning these actions. Despite different beliefs and heritage, we should all agree that such actions are well beyond the bounds of acceptable behavior,” said North Carolina Sons of Confederate Veterans Commander R. Kevin Stone.

To report, information regarding this crime, contact the Bladen County Sheriff’s Office at 910-862-6960.

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