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By Cara Beth Lewis

As we are in the heart of Springtime with flowers blooming, leaves turned green, and warmer temperatures creeping in, it is the perfect time for a brand new article series spotlighting this beautiful time of year. From Spring cleaning, to outdoor events, to gardening, BladenOnline will share tips, tricks, and valuable information to make the most of Springtime!

On March 20th Spring officially began, marking the vernal equinox: when the Sun crosses the equator line, heading north. The first days of spring and fall are equinox days, when Earth experiences 12 hours of daylight and darkness. In latin, the word “vernal” means “spring,” and the word “equinox” means “equal light.” Makes sense, right?

One of the most lovable attributes of Spring is the beautiful blooms that color the world around us. Usually, the earliest spring flowers to bloom each year are tulips, daffodils, sunflowers, primrose, and lilies. In North Carolina, we also see the blooms of azaleas and dogwood trees, among many others.

Have you ever heard of Spring Fever? Better yet, have you ever experienced Spring Fever?! Well, it may be a real thing! Scientists believe that longer days cause people to be more active, creative, and happy. Maybe that is what inspires spring cleaning, which is a common tradition for many people. During Spring, many people have an “out with the old, in with the new” attitude. In literature, Spring often represents a rebirth and the start of better times.

BladenOnline wants to help you make the most of this beautiful season, which is why during this series we will provide tips and tricks for a successful Spring season! With Spring comes a shift in fashion and activities, plus opportunities to travel and re-organize your life. Before summer approaches, let’s accomplish our spring goals together!

As the plants and flowers come back to life, the birds start to sing a little louder, and all of the creatures soak in the warm temperatures and sunshine, let this spring season represent a fresh start, and a clean canvas that is ready to be filled with the color of new traditions, beautiful and bountiful gardens, a colorful wardrobe, and maybe even a new hairstyle.

“Where flowers bloom, so does hope.” – Claudia Alta “Lady Bird” Johnson.

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