Spread the love

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Valentine’s Day was Sunday and cold, but beautiful. Tar Heel Baptist Church found a way to make the day extra special, especially to four married couples. Leon and Rebecca Martin, Colon and Becky Roberts, Fernando and Sandy Arrufat, Tom and Kay Martin all renewed their vows on Sunday.

Rev. Devon Varnam started a Bible Study in the book Song of Solomon called, “The ’S’ Word” in January. One of Varnam’s goals in doing the study is to help strengthen couples’ relationships.

When Varnam realized he would preaching on the topic of marriage on Valentine’s Day, a plan was made to have a vow renewal service at the church for married couples wanting to proclaim their love for each other publicly once more. There were four couples who signed up for the special service.

Varnam preached from Song of Solomon 3:6-11. He asked questions for the congregation to ponder about marriage. Who is your support group for your marriage? Are you treating your spouse special? Is your marriage made up of the stuff that will last? Are you willing to sacrifice?

All the questions lead to keys that help create a strong, lasting marriage according to Varnam. After he finished his lesson, the church stood and watched the four couples walk down the isle for the vow renewal service.

The couple married the longest renewing their vows was Leon and Rebecca Martin, who were married in 1970. Next were Colon and Becky Roberts who were married in 2006. Then there was Fernando and Sandy Arrufat, who wed in the year 2009. Last, but not least was Tom and Kay Martin renewing their marriage which was established in 2012.

Varnam explained to the couples, “God can lead us to our life’s companion. Out of all the commandments the greatest is love.”

Then he said, “May there be no limits to your love,” and then gave the husband’s a chance to profess their love for their wives. After the vows were exchanged the wedded couples sealed their promises with a kiss.

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