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by Kayla Bell

Water. Despite being the most fundamental element in the universe, it is essential to maintaining the proper functioning of our bodies. Even while everyone knows how important it is to be hydrated, many people are unaware of the tremendous effects water has on everything from our ability to perform physically to our ability to think clearly.

Since water makes up around 60% of our bodies, it should come as no surprise that water is essential to almost every physiological function. Water functions as a transport system, removing waste from our cells and delivering nutrients to them. It controls our body temperature, keeping us from becoming too hot while exercising or in heated conditions. It lubricates our joints, maintaining their flexibility and health.

Even modest cases of dehydration can have a startlingly big impact on our health. Research has indicated that even mild dehydration can cause headaches, exhaustion, and trouble focusing. Furthermore, it can negatively impact our athletic abilities by diminishing stamina and impeding muscular recuperation.

The good news is that staying hydrated is straightforward. The traditional eight-glasses-a-day rule serves as a general guideline, but individual needs can vary depending on factors like activity level, climate, and overall health. A good indicator of hydration is urine color. Pale yellow urine suggests adequate hydration, while darker shades indicate a need to increase water intake.

Water is, of course, the ideal beverage for hydration. However, fruits and vegetables with high water content, like watermelon and cucumber, can also contribute to our daily fluid intake. While some beverages like coffee and tea contain water, they also have diuretic properties, meaning they can increase urination and potentially lead to dehydration if not balanced with plain water.

Making water consumption a habit is key. Carrying a reusable water bottle and sipping throughout the day is a simple yet effective way to ensure you’re getting enough fluids. Setting reminders on your phone or using hydration-tracking apps can also be helpful tools.

Making hydration a priority is an investment in our general health and well-being. Water is the hidden tool our bodies need to survive, providing us with everything from increased energy to mental clarity. So, put down the sugar-filled beverages and grab a glass of water to experience the benefits of proper hydration.

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